How to Prepare for Your Direct Cremation

April 12, 2023

So, you’ve chosen direct cremation for your final disposition. You’re not alone – cremation is now the number one disposition choice among Americans.

Now that you’ve made your decision, there are questions to answer and information you’ll need to put together. Let’s take a deeper look at everything you’ll need to ensure your cremation wishes are carried out. And that starts with a conversation.

First, Have “The Conversation” With Your Family

According to a survey by The Conversation Project, 90 percent of people believe it’s important to talk to family members about funeral, burial, or cremation decisions. However, only 27 percent of people surveyed had actually had the end-of-life discussion with their families.

This is one of those loose ends you’ll want to tie up. If your family and friends know about your direct cremation wishes before your death, this will reduce the emotional strain on your loved ones. They won’t have to make the decision for you, which could save a lot of doubt and infighting among family members.

If any loved ones have an issue with the cremation process, an early conversation will help them accept the idea before your death. However, most people find that their families are open to cremation, so this discussion may end up being easier than it seems.

Specify Your Cremation Arrangements in its Own Document

Now that your family members know about your direct cremation plans, it’s time to put them down on paper. If you don’t, the decision will ultimately be left to family members. Your legal spouse would have first say followed by your adult children.

With a little paperwork, though, you can designate who will oversee your final decisions. And, of course, you can specify your preference for direct cremation.

You can do this in a will, but the recommendation is to create a separate document for your disposition details. Tell your family where this document is located so they can find it quickly when needed. And pick a place that’s accessible – not in the safe with your will.

Give a Trusted Loved One Power of Attorney

With a Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care (DPOAHC), whoever you name will have the right to make medical decisions for you in case you become incapacitated. It’s also a good idea to detail your cremation wishes in this document, as whoever you choose will also have final say on disposition, memorial or funeral arrangements.

Consider Where Your Ashes Will Be Buried, Stored or Spread

Following cremation, families have a few options regarding what they can do with the cremains. Those options include:

  • Spreading the ashes – Spreading ashes is simple and there are few restrictions in most places. However, if the ashes are to be spread on private property, permission is required from the property owner first. Some popular ash spreading locations, like theme parks and state parks, usually have tight restrictions on the custom, so verify before making your decision.

Many cemeteries have areas designated for spreading ashes or burying urns. Termed urn gardens, burial spots are much smaller than a standard burial plot (about 1/4 the size), which means it costs less.

  • Burying the cremains – Cremains can also be buried, and the restrictions here are similar. In most cases, the cremains are buried with the urn – but there are biodegradable urn options, as well as urns that grow flowers or a tree once they’ve broken down. If you wish to be buried on private property, you’ll need permission. An important note – if the urn is buried on private property, and someone else buys the property, they may require the urn to be removed or may prevent people from digging up the urn.
  • Storing the cremains in a columbarium – As the popularity of cremation rises, so does the number of columbariums. A columbarium is a structure, often located at a cemetery, designed to house cremation urns. Inside, families can reserve a location just for their cremation urns, in a way that’s similar to having a family burial plot. The difference is that much less space is required and, therefore, it’s less expensive.

If you have a preference for your own remains, specify that along with your other disposition preferences. If you haven’t thought this far, that’s okay – the decision can be left with a person you trust.

Talk with a Direct Cremation Service to Preplan the Process

Once you’ve determined your cremation planning and made your family aware of the decision, the next step is to consult with direct cremation services. Reputable Orlando Florida direct cremators have an established preplanning process that makes the experience quick and frustration-free. In fact, you’ll only need to answer a few questions and provide some basic information to set up your direct cremation in Orlando Florida.

Work with an Orlando Florida cremator that offers an online portal where you can schedule direct cremation, choose from available goods and services, and provide all needed information.

During preplanning, you’ll also have the opportunity to prefund your cremation so that’s paid for ahead of time. There are a couple of reasons to consider this:

  • You can purchase exactly what you want, or do not want – During preplanning, you have complete control over what additional services or goods you want for your cremation. If you have specific ideas for your memorial or just want to make the most economical choices for your family, preplanning is the best way to do it.
  • Preplanning minimizes stress for your loved ones – With all cremation fees taken care of, you’ll save your loved ones the stress of paying out of pocket. Direct cremation is less expensive than other cremation and funeral options, but it still costs several hundred dollars. By preplanning, your family can manage their grief without tacking on financial stress.

Disposition Decisions Can Be Difficult, But Direct Cremation Makes the Process Simple For You and Your Loved Ones

Death is a part of life, but a part that we’d rather not talk about. However, it’s a conversation worth having as it ensures your final wishes are carried out. It also provides peace of mind to your loved ones, who would probably rather have these matters taken care of before death occurs.

And with direct cremation preplanning, you won’t leave any part of the process behind for others to manage. When the day comes and your family must work through their grief, that certainty can be a final gift you leave to them.

How Direct Cremation Can be Customized for Families
June 30, 2023
Direct cremation’s rapid rise in popularity is due, in part, to the value and flexibility it offers families. It’s easy to arrange and much more affordable than a traditional funeral service and burial. As such, it’s no surprise that more and more disposition service providers are also providing direct cremation.  Direct cremation’s flexibility extends to its customizability. Families can add additional goods or services to their direct cremation, so there is room to personalize the process. In this way, every family can celebrate their loved one and ensure their final wishes are carried out.
How to Ensure Your Final Wishes are Carried Out
June 21, 2023
Cremation Preplanning: How to Ensure Your Final Wishes are Carried Out
How Long Does Direct Cremation Take?
June 14, 2023
Clearly, time matters where disposition is concerned. Ideally, it’s carried out within days, and this is the timeline that traditional funerals have stuck with. Carrying out disposition quickly minimizes the effects of decomposition and helps families resolve their grief without delay.  The same timeline applies to direct cremation. In most cases, disposition through direct cremation can be handled within a week of death occurring. And most of this time is spent awaiting approval from the state, which is something the direct cremation company handles directly. Here, we’ll break down the direct cremation process and how it progresses.
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